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14 How to build an english wheel DIY tutorial

Custom Cez builds an home made english wheel DIY in his home shop with Polsky Rage and Sergio.

It hasn't been easy but we made it!
After the engine's assembly in this two parts episode we get to put together Custom Cez's  Harley Davidson Softail del 91.


Janusz brought us a bunch of tubing left over from a construction site to use to build the frame of the english wheel.
While working on the project Janusz has taken the opportunity to teach us a couple of tricks on how to weld for strenght and penetration, wich resulted in an actual welding competition among us.
The frame is assambled and strenghten while checking allignment and tollerances to produce a nice final result.


What did we do:

  • Tube cutting
  • Welding of the frame
  • Tollerances check


In the second episode we make the support brackets that will hold the top and bottom anvils. The bottom one is designed for quick change of the wheel depending on the needed radius.
We start by cutting the necessary pieces to assemble the top bracket, three pieces made out of 5mm stock plate. We make the two holes on the side pannels using a press drill with a step bit.

Then we tackle the bottom wheel support, spacers and the center pin.


 What did we do:

  • Transfer of the blue print to the stock
  • Cutting of the stock
  • Perforation
  • Assembly and welding of the pieces
  • Creation of the spacers
  • Carving of the bottom support pin


In this 3rd and final part we make the lifting mechanism for the bottom anvil.
We went to see my neighbor, Mr. Pietro, to use his lathe so we could make the piston and cylinder for the system.
Them we CNCed a pocket on the tube to fit a pin on the piston so it would travel straight up and down and finalized the build of the English wheel.

 What did we do:

  • worked the piston and cylinder on the lathe
  • CNCed a pocket on the steel tube
  • Welded the tube to the main structure
  • finalized the build
  • tested the english wheel with a piece of aluminum sheet

ep 14-01 DIY english wheel
ep 14-02 CUstom Cez Polsky Rage and Sergio
ep 14-03 The english wheel home made
ep 14-04 English wheel animation
ep 14-05 english wheel diagram
ep 14-06 english wheel lifting mechanism
ep 14-07 building an english wheel
ep 14-08 grinding english wheel support
ep 14-09 welding english wheel frame
ep 14-10 welding english wheel frame
ep 14-11 engllish wheel anvil support braket diy
ep 14-12 press drill braket making
ep 14-13 the english wheel round anvil
ep 14-15  ballancing the english wheel support braket
ep 14-16 turning the english wheel raising mechanism
ep 14-17 english wheel anvils
ep 14-18 CUstom Cez
ep 14-19 welding english wheel frame
ep 14-20 Polsky Rage
ep 14-21 english wheel frame
ep 14-22 welding english wheel frame
ep 14-23 welding english wheel frame
ep 14-24 grinding english wheel frame
ep 14-25 grinding english wheel frame
ep 14-26 english wheel frame
ep 14-27 english wheel frame
ep 14-28 english wheel bracket
ep 14-29 Sergio
ep 14-30 grinder sparks
ep 14-31 english wheel bracket
ep 14-32
ep 14-34
ep 14-35
ep 14-36
ep 14-37
ep 14-38
ep 14-39
ep 14-40
ep 14-41
ep 14-42
ep 14-43
ep 14-44
ep 14-45
ep 14-46
ep 14-47
ep 14-48
ep 14-49
ep 14-50
ep 14-51
ep 14-52
ep 14-53
ep 14-54
ep 14-55
ep 14-56
ep 14-57

Tags: tutorial, DIY, english wheel, how to

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