19 Powder coating and Airbrush an Harley Davidson tank

Finally Custom Cez finishes the paint job on his bike.

In this two parts episode we wrap up the paint job on the 1991 springer Harley Davidson with a mix of powder coating and airbrushing on the gas tank.
The result will be a flat black tank in contrast with the shine of the visible brushed sheet metal of the scallops and the logo.
To get it done Custom Cez will recruit the help of his high school friend Stefano, owner of with Cristian. These incredible airbrush artists will make shure it all goes well this time!!!






 What did we do:

  • powder coating over the brushed metal tank
  • plotter assisted vinyl masking
  • red airbrushed hotline
  • wet sanding
  • traditional tape masking
  • spray the opaque matte transparent

Here you can see the previous episodes on the gas tank:

Powder coating at home - The two tone - ep 16p1 eng - Roma Custom Bike
Powder coating at home - The two tone - ep 16p2 eng - Roma Custom Bike
How to apply gold and silver leaf - ep 17 eng - Roma Custom Bike

ep 19 01 airbrush paint job on harley gas tank
ep 19 02 airbrush painting hulk
ep 19 03 dead merilin drowring
ep 19 04 helmet flame job airbrush
ep 19 05 masking the tank for airbrushing
ep 19 06 spray paint on masks gas tank
ep 19 07 airbrushing removing masks
ep 19 08 airbrushing roma custom bike
ep 19 09 custom cez gas tank paint job
ep 19 10 harley davidson softail in rome italy
ep 19 11 clear paint over sheet metal
ep 19 12 roma custom bike
ep 19 13 air brush art
ep 19 14 wet sanding transparent
ep 19 15 paint job masking
ep 19 16 paint job masking
ep 19 17 paint job masking
ep 19 18 paint job air brush
ep 19 19 paint job air brush
ep 19 20 wet sending gas tank
ep 19 21 wet sending gas tank
ep 19 22 paint job matte and gloss
ep 19 23 paint job masking
ep 19 24 paint job masking
ep 19 25 paint job airbrush
ep 19 26 paint job airbrush

Tags: Design, powder coating, tutorial, DIY, how to, airbrush

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